VIP Ticket Instructions
VIP Ticket Registration:
You will need the code Printed on your ticket.

In order to register you will need the code printed on your VIP ticket. If a problem arises with your VIP code please contact us at

Step by Step Instructions:
- Click the button below to register your VIP ticket.
- Once you are on Eventbrite – Select a VIP Ticket Admission.
- Use your VIP code printed on the front of the ticket like a Coupon Code.
- Your VIP Code will be a number like: 7011XXX
- Fill in your information and complete your registration.
Registration Link
VIP Tickets include a 1 on 1 review session with an expert at the event. You can schedule your session when you check in. The experts are hand picked veterans in the areas of creative, development, marketing and strategy. Sessions usually last 30 mins. This is a chance to get a second opinion of solve a problem your online store or brand are facing.