There were some barriers to entry, as with any major life change, that my husband and I had to work through. I, like most millennials, carry a student debt balance. We both have credit cards, and after a tragic accident in the spring of 2015, I carry medical debt. My husband and I both thought it would be impossible to manage everything from a financial standpoint, especially since we did not want to accept outside help from our parents. We wanted to do this on our own, for ourselves. We had great credit, were responsible with our money, and are resourceful when it comes to most things. With that debt and our current income, we had to do a little more to figure out in how to make it all possible. We figured out how we could do a few things to increase our monthly income to qualify for the home including consolidating debt, utilizing both of our unique skillsets to up our income, and a little bit of negotiating.
My husband is a wedding DJ and works in the IT world. He has some skills in coding and knows a ton about building websites. I have worked in digital marketing for seven years and have worked for companies like IBM all the way down to the one woman start up. I knew if I had one or two extra clients, outside of my full-time position in Digital Strategy at Security National Mortgage, and if my husband had a couple more weddings or one website, we would be able to do it. Our loan officer helped us look at everything every way we could so that we could earn enough to live well and enjoy our lives in our own home. So we started with clickfunnels, cold calling, and contacting people within our networks to see if they needed the services we were offering. We set up referral programs and incentives for our friends and family to use if they helped us find the right people. With time and saving, we ended up being able to qualify for the perfect home for what we need. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s the perfect space where we have loved growing our lives as individuals and together.
Homeownership has been one of the biggest sacrifices and rewards of my life. Having a space that is truly mine has built so much self-esteem and confidence that I’m not sure would have come otherwise. With a skillset such as digital marketing, the earning potential is limitless. There are so many people desperate for advice and guidance in this ever evolving space. Whether you think so or not, homeownership is an available opportunity for you. Take the time to hone your craft, and you’ll be able to qualify for your perfect starter home sooner than you think.

Tori McClellan
Digital Strategy Consultant, Security National Mortgage
For the last two and a half years, I have been digital strategy consultant for Security National Mortgage company, as well as freelance social media marketing for local creatives and businesses from a hair dresser to a medium sized Mattress company.